Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
46,115 students
30,196 Australian undergraduate students (5th highest)
QUT is a large public university in Brisbane. Its 2 main campuses are located centrally, giving students an easy commute to classes. QUT is also accessible in terms of course entry standards, with lower requirements than the nearby University of Queensland. An ATAR score in the high 60s gives you entry to most courses.
QUT Ranking Achievements
#1 Australian ranking
QUT is the top ranked university in Australia for teaching education (training future teachers).
QUT's education program gets high satisfaction ratings from students. Graduates also enjoy good job and pay outcomes... LEARN MORE
Top 3 Australian ranking
QUT has one of the top ranked undergraduate law schools.
QUT's Law Faculty is estimated to be the largest in Australia and achieves high course satisfaction ratings... LEARN MORE