Geelong, Melbourne and Warnambool
Deakin University (Deakin) is a large suburban university. While it is based in Geelong, Deakin has a large campus in the nearby city of Melbourne and an extensive online program.
48,731 students
18,703 Australian female students (most for any uni)
Deakin has a reputation for good teaching and is among Australia's top 10 universities. It balances growth and innovation with maintaining consistently high program standards.
Deakin Ranking Achievements
Overall Ranking
Top 10 for Australia
Deakin is ranked among Australia's top 10 universities overall, coming in at number 10.
Deakin rates highly for teaching quality. It is also a well recognised university with a good academic reputation.

Course Ratings
#1 Victorian ranking
Deakin is the top ranked university in Victoria for graduate satisfaction with courses.
87% of recent Deakin graduates are more than satisfied with their course overall.

#1 Australian ranking
Deakin is the top ranked university in Australia for architecture and building.
The School of Architecture and Built Environment has high ratings for (i) graduate satisfaction with course and (ii) graduate job and pay outcomes.
Top 10 Australian ranking
Deakin is ranked as one of the best universities for law in Australia.
Deakin scores highly for important quality indicators, including size of the law school, course satisfaction ratings, and graduate salaries.

Top 3 Australian ranking
Deakin is among the best Australian universities for teaching psychology.
Deakin runs one of the larger psychology programs and achieves high course satisfaction ratings.