Gold Coast and Brisbane
Griffith University (Griffith) is a suburban university with campuses from Brisbane to the Gold Coast in southern Queensland. Most of Griffith's students are locals who have recently completed high school.
43,287 students
28,435 Australian undergraduate students (6th highest)
Griffith is an accessible university. It sets achievable ATAR entry scores (59 standard) and has multiple campuses of a good size. Griffith also has relatively modest tuition fees for international students.
Griffith Ranking Achievements

#2 Australian ranking
Griffith University is ranked 2nd in Australia for teaching communications, which includes audio visual studies, journalism, and written and verbal communication.
Griffith has a large program and graduates rate the courses highly.

International Students
Top 10 Australian ranking
Griffith is one of the best study destinations for students from abroad.
The university offers a good quality education at an affordable price in terms of tuition fees.