Monash University (Monash) is Australia's largest university by student numbers. It is based in the Melbourne suburb of Clayton and has other campuses in the city.
66,179 students (most in Australia)
23,298 international students (2nd highest)
Monash does a number of things well and is ranked among Australia's top 10 universities.
- It has a significant international research profile and is ranked within the world's top 200 universities.
- Monash maintains high course entry standards.
- Course ratings by graduates are good.
Monash Ranking Achievements
Overall Ranking
#7 for Australia
Monash is ranked among Australia's top 10 universities overall, coming in at number 7.
Monash has a higher course satisfaction rate (86%) than most top 10 universities.

International Students
Top 5 ranking
Monash is ranked among the top 5 best universities for international students.
Monash is popular with students from abroad and offers a high quality education.
Computer Science
Top 3 Australian ranking
Monash is ranked as Australia's 3rd best university for teaching computer science and information technology.
The uni has a large Information Technology Faculty and achieves good course satisfaction ratings.

Creative Arts
#2 Australian ranking
Monash is ranked as one of the best universities in Australia for creative arts, which includes visual and performing arts.
Monash has a large art school that receives strong ratings from graduates.

Top 3 Australian ranking
Monash rates among the best Australian universities for studying medicine.
Monash runs the largest medical school and 91% of graduates are more than satisfied with their course experience overall.

#1 Australian ranking
Monash is ranked as the top university in Australia for studying pharmacy.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is estimated to be the largest and achieves 89% satisfaction.

#2 Australian ranking
Monash is ranked 2nd in Australia for learning science.
Monash has a large science faculty and graduates rate their science degrees highly.
Social sciences
#2 Australian ranking
Monash is ranked 2nd in Australia for teaching social sciences, humanities and other literary subjects.
Monash has more than 17,000 students in the field and achieves high satisfaction ratings.