The University of Adelaide was the first university established in South Australia. The main campus occupies a prime section of real estate between the Torrens River and the Adelaide city centre.
26,275 students
15,502 Australian undergraduate students
Adelaide Uni is research-intensive and is ranked among the world's top 200 universities for academic output. It is the favoured destination for Adelaide school leavers.
Graduates of the university generally do well in the job market. This has contributed Adelaide Uni being ranked in the top 3 for Australia.
University of Adelaide Ranking Achievements
Overall Ranking
#3 for Australia
The University of Adelaide is one of Australia's top universities, coming in at number 3 in the 2016 rankings.
The university is strong in all ranking categories, including graduate salaries, reputation and student ratings.

Graduate Salaries
#3 Australian ranking
The University of Adelaide is ranked number 3 in Australia for graduate outcomes, with an indicative graduate salary of $58,500.
More than a third of graduates proceed to further study. Those moving into work receive good starting salaries.

#1 Australian ranking
Adelaide Uni is the top ranked university in Australia for teaching dentistry.
The School of Dentistry is the largest and scores well on quality measures, including course ratings.
Top 5 Australian ranking
The University of Adelaide is ranked among the best in Australia for nursing.
Though small, the Nursing School is towards the top for course ratings and graduate salaries... READ MORE