The University of Canberra (UC) is a modern university which emphasizes professional development, and not just academic learning, in its degree programs. The suburban university complements Canberra's other uni, the research-orientated Australian National University (ANU).

16,216 students

24% international students

UC offers degrees across the main academic disciplines: arts, business, education, health, law, science and technology. It allows Canberra students to do hands-on courses not available at ANU, such as teaching, nursing and physiotherapy. 

UC has a reputation for getting results and its graduates generally do well in the labour market. UC graduates who stay in Canberra benefit from living in Australia's capital. The city provides good job opportunities, especially if you are seeking employment with government agencies and departments.

UC Ranking Achievements

Creative and visual arts.

Creative Arts

#1 ranking for graduate salaries

UC Creative Arts graduates do better in the job market than those from any other Australian uni.

In this tough field, half of UC graduates are employed shortly after graduating (with a further 13% doing postgraduate study).

Psychology of the brain.


#1 ranking for graduate salaries

UC is ranked 1st in Psychology for graduate salaries, with an indicative graduate salary of $57,414.

Shortly after graduating, 80% of UC Psychology students are employed or doing further study.
