The University of South Australia (UniSA) is a metropolitan style of university, occupying buildings in the Adelaide city centre. It also has suburban and regional campuses.
30,788 university students
19,560 Australian bachelor-degree students
UniSA is known as South Australia's vocational / applied university, though it has a significant research program and is a top 500 uni in world rankings.
UniSA is accessible, with achievable course entry standards. An ATAR score in the 60s will normally get you into popular undergraduate courses. It also has a large distance education program (around 1 in 5 students are online learners).
UniSA Ranking Achievements

#2 Australian ranking
UniSA is ranked 2nd in Australia for architecture, building and construction courses.
UniSA has a large school which performs well in terms of course ratings by students and graduate salaries.

Nutrition and Health
Top 3 Australian ranking
UniSA is one of the best unis for studying nutrition and health (dietetics, human movement, complementary therapies, optometry, radiography).
Graduates from UniSA have high satisfaction ratings and receive good starting salaries.

Top 3 Australian ranking
The UniSA School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences is one of Australia’s top pharmacy schools.
It scores well across all 3 ranking categories: size, course ratings and graduate outcomes.

#2 Australian ranking
UniSA is ranked 2nd in Australia for studying physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
UniSA teaches a large number of students and achieves high course satisfaction ratings.

Social Work
Top 3 Australian ranking
UniSA is one of Australia's leading unis for training in social and community welfare.
The uni has large programs and an average 93% satisfaction rating.