Sunshine Coast
The University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) is a based at Sippy Downs on the Sunshine Coast, just over 90km north of Brisbane.
10,196 university students
8,155 Australian bachelor-degree students
Choose the University of the Sunshine Coast if you want a relaxed lifestyle. The Sunshine Coast has great weather, beaches and natural bushland. Studying there has to be one of the most pleasant, low-stress ways to earn a degree.
USC is a young university that is expected to grow along with the economy and population of the region. It focuses on teaching and receives high course ratings from graduates. The uni is easy to get into with respect to entry scores. It also sets low tuition fees for international and graduate students.
USC Ranking Achievements
Graduate Ratings
Top 5 Australian ranking
USC is a highly ranked university for course satisfaction. It is ranked 4 in Australia for graduate ratings.
87% of recent USC graduates were more than satisfied with their course overall.